I've had several requests (well, three actually) to continue writing my blog. So, if you can stand any more of this nonsense, I'll continue writing it. I'll try to put more photos in from now on (people like pictures).
I was offered a two year contract teaching English to young children in Brunei (not the Middle East - it's on Borneo). However, due to an unexpected series of events, I decided to stay in Poland. That suits me fine as I love living in Torun and enjoy the work.
Going back a few months ...
At the end of June I left Poland. I was due to meet Jane, Christine & Alice in Slovenia in five days' time so I did a mad dash by train, stopping in Wroclaw, Prague and Vienna before arriving in Ljubljana.
I stopped in Prague for a couple of nights and joined a guided tour. It's full of beautiful buildings and a lot of history. Here you have a statue of 'Good' King Wenceslas and another of Kafka (I trust you've read all of his books).
Mozart performed two premieres in this building.
I had no time to look around Vienna - will have to go back sometime - but did have some time to look around Ljubljana. It's lovely and I recommend a visit.
I then jumped on a bus to the mountains to meet the others at the river for two weeks of kayaking, climbing, walking in the mountains and eating plenty of jolly nice food.
There then followed several weeks of travelling around Britain seeing as many family and friends as possible. My apologies if I didn't catch up with you. I'll be back again at Christmas and will try to see anyone I missed this summer!
I found time to do a bit of body boarding ...
kayaking ... (this is the lazy kayaker's conveyor belt to get back to the top of the Cardiff slalom course)...
walking in the hills ...
taking children climbing ...
and flying around on maypoles...
I arrived back in Poland at the beginning of September to do a two week course entitled 'Teaching Young Learners'. It was very similar to the course I did a year ago before I came to Poland but was specifically aimed at teaching children & teens.
I survived the course and have settled back into the same flat in Torun that I had last year. I'll be starting teaching next week and also hope to get to the climbing wall a fair bit as well as pick up with some of the Polish folk that I met last year. I'm working hard on the Polish and now I need some speaking practice!!